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You searched for: may fly

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  • Insect complains mayflies awards memorial speech goes on forever.
  • Brief life May fly bug wears you only live one day yolo slogan T-shirt.
  • Rebellious insect bumble bee balances, silkworm wears rayon shirt, old age June mayfly lives & silverfish athlete wins first place Olympics gold.
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  • May fly is about to mark calendar for mayflies that’s only it’s lifespan today.
  • Mayfly’s birthday card says “Life begins at 40 minutes.”
  • Mayfly sitting awake frustrated by hour of life wasted by daylight savings.
  • Mayfly’s Facebook Memories only goes back five minutes.
  • A teenage mayfly child acts older then her age.
  • A June Bug's child is a Mayfly, because she came early.
  • A mayfly is scammed on the internet by buying a product that is shipped in 24 hours.

You searched for: may fly